Thursday, July 30, 2009

$42 ? Right!

I'm pretty new to the whole "couponing" thing. I've used them once or twice, but had a new vigor after attending a couponing class last December. I'm going at it gradually, mainly because I didn't take the time to go full force. Living rurally creates a disadvantage in my opinion. I don't always get the Sunday paper, and the times I have it doesn't seem like there was much in them. Regardless, I had my binder with coupons in it, sorted and ready. After work yesterday I did the unthinkable and made a spontaneous shopping trip. A crude list and no real plan. I didn't even know what was on sale where...all I knew is, I had to go get milk. A stop at the mailbox gave me my grocery ads, so a 2 minute glance at my favorite stores and I had a plan. Pretty good sales. Okay, so I only had to drive 20 miles instead of 35! Yeah! Not wanting to go on an empty stomach I swung through McD's and grabbed dinner then to the store where I ate my dinner in the parking lot as I browsed through my coupons looking for the sale items. Bummer....I didn't have what I wanted, but I did have a bunch of coupons due to expire in two days. I stuffed those coupons in my envelope (that had my list written on it) and then quickly sorted them according to the layout of the store (this helps me!). Into the store and picked up all on my list and several of the sale items. My cart was full, top and bottom! I kept a tally as I went through the store so as not to go over the amount of cash I had. I went to the checkout and my total was only $121! I had saved $42 between my coupons and my store rewards! YAY! That's a tank of gas! Of course as a newbie couponer, we get super excited when we make a "great deal"! My great deal of the day was Suave deodorant, te store had it for 99 cents, and I had a 50 cent coupon, the store doubles, so they owed me a penny! I had four coupons so I made a haul on the deodorant! I had some others that I got for just a few cents, but that was my top deal! Not bad for a spontaneous trip. I'm looking forward to the Sunday paper, since so many were expiring that must mean we are going to have good coupons coming up! Now....let's eat!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The search continues

It was a successful quest yesterday looking for ways to creatively homeschool without spending money! I found some of the greatest websites! One in particular was I had my first visit of many there yesterday and wow, was I impressed. I especially liked being able to search for a specific topic, then the ability to narrow it down. I've got my plan in process and now I'm getting them culled into a schedule. I think today I'll search for a good planning tool. I bought one last year that was good, but I wanted it to do more. I need that I can import like assignments from one student to the next instead of typing it all in for each child. I also want to be able to print out their weekly schedule and assignments on a smaller paper. The previous planner printed out on two 8 1/2 x 11 sheets for each child. I feel the need to reduce that! It may be time to jot down all the little things that I want in my planner and develop my own! Now that would be ambition! I think every homeschool family has their own niche on how they plan for their school.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The countdown begins!

It's official...the summer is nearly gone! School begins in a's time to panic! The kids think they are the only ones with anxieties about school starting...but the truth be's the homeschool moms that have all the anxiety! So many thoughts to bring captive...what to teach, what to buy, when to prepare, schedules, supplies, book and websites, clean the school room, get organized, plan, plan, plan! Once that is conquered, deal with the children who don't want summer to end. Can they really will away the onset of school? With all the craziness I'm still always very excited! I am a school junkie! I can spend hours looking at school supplies, and curriculums! Is there really anything more encouraging than brand new notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils and unbroken crayons? Someday I'll blog my homeschooling history, but for today, my focus is strictly on the goal for today is to narrow down some curriculums. This year is especially challenging for us. I am working to plan our school year using only the resources that I have onhand, can borrow, or find online. I guess that would be called cost-free, recession proof, free homeschooling! I love a good challenge! The fact that I've already graduated two homeschool students lends to the vast closet full of books and folders of stuff! Don't we all have "unfinished" curriculums? You know, the end of the year but not end of the book stuff. So I'm going to cull those books and use them to create a years worth of lessons. I've got some science lessons that I know I can use...just have to organize and plan them. I found a great American History resource online. An entire k-12 curriculum for FREE! I've ordered the cd, so now we wait for it to come in the mail and then get it printed! If you would like to check it out: , I'm super excited about it! I've also found grammar resources online, free to print...entire books! Here's the link: I will reuse the Saxon textbooks as these are reusable! I've got Spelling Power from years past, I'm going to dust it off and get it back in the classroom. For reading...library, library, library! There are lots of free book report forms online, just have to choose one I like! I also love, love, love lapbooks and mini offices! Last year we completed a lapbook on the Presidential Election, that was fun and informative. As a whole, the school year will be character based. I have some Character First ( booklets to teach out of. These are a great springboard for unit studies. Maybe tomorrow I'll blog about homeschooling in December...I've got a great idea developing! Until then...happy homeschooling!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Boat withdrawl

It's been twenty-three days...but who's counting? The last trip to the lake was fateful for our pontoon boat. We went to the lake for a day of fun and an evening of fireworks. Fabulous time! Even the squall that came through and soaked us was fun! That evening, after the fireworks were through and the hundreds of boats were headed back to the marina, the motor began to show signs of distress. That Johnson just chugged and choked until we could go little more than idle speed. Thank God we had good friends that stayed by our side until we made it the five miles to the boat ramp. We sputtered along all the way up to the ramp and then that Johnson gave out. We were able to hold her in the water and back the trailer under her to get out of the water. Luckily, it took us so long to arrive at the ramp, that there was no line! The diagnosis, terminal. Now, twenty-three days later I'm having horrible lake withdrawl! I miss my boat! We spent a lot of happy times on the water with family and friends. Maybe we can find a new motor, reasonably. But will it be in time for Labor Day? Will we get to go back to the lake? Tune in next time when you might hear Jeff say...."Want to go to the lake?" .....I can only hope!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It has finally happened...I blogged

I knew it was inevitable. I just can't help myself sometimes! I think I should just give in to my ideas immediately and save myself the anxiety! It seems that I was born with it, I see something, or have some idea and I put it on the back burner for a while, but I always go back to it. Even choosing my wedding dress 23 years ago followed this pattern. I saw, I tried on, I liked, I walked away. I went through that process over and over again, and eventually went back to the first one I liked. I also fell into scrapbooking much the same way, I fought it and I eventually gave in. Now....I'm ready to take the next step in internet savvy... the blog. I knew way back when , as I watched Doogie Howser M.D. that I was destined to blog...only then it wasn't called blogging. I loved watching the end of the show as Doogie.....blogged! it's my turn, destiny once again wins!

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