Thursday, January 28, 2010

Persimmons don't lie...

It's still winter. We're about to get socked by another winter storm. Every year, we cut open the seed of a persimmon for that tell-tale sign. What kind of winter are we in store for? According to the fortune telling seed, this year it is snow! If you don't know what the seed forecast is, here's the long/short of it. Slice the seed of a persimmon longways. If the seed on the iside shows:
A spoon: Expect a winter with lots of snow to shovel.
A Knife: Expect a winter a winter that is cutting cold.
A Fork: Expect a mild winter and a little snow.
We always gather seeds from different trees and locations. This year we got unanimous reports. The spoon! So I shouldn't be surprised that we are bracing for another winter storm coming our way! So, today, if it must come our way...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Don't bring just a dusting...go ahead and give us the full foot....and bring it on fast! And while we're suggesting...can it be packable snow? We need to make a fort and a snow family. We'll miss dad while he's gone to work, but we will love being inside with a fire and a cup of snow can be good!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just keep swimming!

Every day is a new day, a new chance at what you think you failed at yesterday. What a reassuring thought! You can have a "do-over!" I'm so glad that Jesus gives us unlimited do-overs because I am constantly having to go back begging for them! With one eye closed I secretly sneak into the kitchen and feast on whatever horrible processed snack I can come up with! On the up side...I did manage to get the treadmill workout in today! yay me!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Everything changes now....

The resolution made in January was to get healthy & get fit. Not an original goal by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely one that needs to be made. As we exit the forties, it's nearly time for an overdue fine. We've made it through January with some improvements in the choices we eat, but still not good at portion control. So, we'll continue to make healthier choices and the goal for February is to work on the size and amounts of our portions. Trying to do that without feeling like we are starving will be difficult. I want to keep up the excercise...and actually add to it. I didn't get it in everyday, but everday that I did was one more than I did last year! So, yay me! Today will be difficult because of the birthday dinner, so I chose to not to beat myself up over it, special occasions are just that, special. I don't think I've put a final goal on paper yet, but if I were to make it today, my goal would be to lose 25 pounds and to be consistent in my workouts. 25 pound should be a piece of cake....oops....piece of....hunk of....well....25 pounds is doable! Ok, there's the prize.....Each 5 pounds I think I deserve a treat! The old me, would say the treat is food, the new me...I think it should be a new blouse for the first five, a new pair of shoes for the first 10. At 15 pounds a new skirt, 20 is pretty big, so let's say we go out and get something in the lingerie section! At 25 pounds, with the excercise...I ought to look pretty hot and be ready to take a cruise! My 25th anniversary is just two years away, so I want to be looking fine by then! what's for breakfast? I'm thinking whole wheat toast....homemade. A few more days in January....and then we are rockin into February!

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